Cara Termudah untuk Membuat Sate Ayam(Sweet Satay) Lezat

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Sate Ayam(Sweet Satay). Sate Ayam (Chicken Satay) also made the list. I'm not surprised by Sate Ayam's inclusion to the list since it's a popular delicacy with both young and old consumers. Tourists and can be found eating the dish everywhere in the country, buying from push-cart sate vendors, dusty street-side makeshift-tent sate.

Sate Ayam(Sweet Satay) It also recognized and popular along Suriname and Netherlands. New Sate Ayam Madura - Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce How do you cook sate/satay? Whether you are buying satay from street vendors or from a restaurant, your sate/satay will always be cooked with a charcoal grill. Kamu dapat membuat Sate Ayam(Sweet Satay) dengan menggunakan 17 bahan dalam 5 langkah. Sekarang mari kita mulai untuk membuatnya.

Bahan-bahan untuk pembuatan Sate Ayam(Sweet Satay)

  1. Siapkan 500 gr fillet ayam.
  3. Siapkan Bumbu:.
  5. Kamu memerlukan 6 btr bawang putih.
  7. Persiapkan 5 btr bawang merah.
  9. Persiapkan Seruas jari lengkuas.
  11. Siapkan 1 btr sereh,ambil bagian pthnya.
  13. Siapkan 4 btr kemiri.
  15. Persiapkan 1 sdm ketumbar.
  17. Kamu memerlukan 1 blok gula merah/2 sdm gula merah sisir.
  19. Kamu memerlukan Bumbu lainnya:.
  21. Persiapkan 5 sdm kecap manis.
  23. Kamu memerlukan secukupnya Garam.
  25. Siapkan 50 ml susu.
  27. Siapkan Perasan air 1 bh jeruk nipis.
  29. Persiapkan Olesan:.
  31. Kamu memerlukan secukupnya Margarin.
  33. Persiapkan secukupnya Kecap manis.

Of course, that is also the best way to prepare satay at home, especially during summer months when the weather is just perfect for some outdoor grilling. These are inspired by the Indonesian version of Chicken Satay. These skewers are tender and so juicy!. Sate Ayam Chicken satay Indonesian street.

Langkah-langkah Pembuatan Sate Ayam(Sweet Satay)

  1. Pipihkan daging ayam,potong2 kotak.
  3. Tumis bumbu halus hingga harum dan kecoklatan.
  5. Tambahkan bumbu lainnya,tes rasa.
  7. Masukkan daging ayam yg sdh dipotong2,diamkan semalaman dalam kulkas.
  9. Tusuk2 ayam dalam tusukan sate(tusukannya direndam air dulu sebentar),panggang sambil dioles margarin & kecap manis sampai matang..

Sate Ayam (Chicken Satay) A childhood favourite of mine, sate is a true South East Asian classic. Perhaps the ultimate skewered meat treat, sate is often considered more of a snack than an actual meal in itself and is typically ordered as a side dish or "starter". Malaysian Chicken Satay is the Best! There are many versions of satay recipes from Asia, but let me assure you that the best satay in the world comes from Malaysia, my home country. Called "Satay Ayam" in Malaysian language, any real foodies who have been to the entire Southeast Asia region will agree they are the best!